An apology to my mailing list
For those of you who received my anonymous email the other day asking you to check out this blog, I'm sorry that I wasn't more clear on who I am. I realized after sending it out to a huge list of friends, relatives, SCA, Renfair, fencing and RPG contacts that some of you might find this cloak and dagger stuff a bit annoying.
Of course you've never seen my gmail address before. I copied your addresses over to that account from my hotmail one. I'm a dork. I'm sorry. As I mentioned to one of you who called me out on this..."at least I haven't received any death threats." But the tongue lashings have been severe.
I'm am simply trying to establish myself with a pseudonym, so that I can proceed with my 'writing' career (or pipe dream) with a fresh start, so that response, criticism, or praise (yeah, right) might be unbiased. Because I know my friends love me, and would tell me this is good even if it sucks donkey butt. So I wanted to show you what I was doing, without telling you who I am.
I'm pretty much sucking donkey butt right now for the abuse of your email addresses. Keep 'em coming. I deserve it.
That's okay. We still love you. Just don't let it happen again!